Discover ELP for your Company, Bank, Payment Processor or Government

Become a Payment Gateway or an Ally!

Hiring a payment gateway implies accepting intermediation costs, transactional percentages and fixed charges per transaction which make your product or service more expensive, a clear and forceful strategy to avoid or eliminate these costs is to become a payment gateway, but for this you You need Correctly Developed Software, a good technological infrastructure, experience and most importantly: Your own PCI DSS Certification.

Governments of different countries have chosen to create their own payment gateway, since it allows them to centralize the collection of the different government entities and also allows them to control their online resources in an agile, centralized and secure way.

Our payment solution can be implemented as a white label for any company, payment processor, bank or government entity that requires our IT solution.

Implement a scale model of centralized control and stores or collection units easily with our solution.

Our team of engineers will be in charge of carrying out the installation and configuration for your company using your brand, we will install all our infrastructure on your private cloud managed in AWS and we will give you the access to start managing your new online payment platform.

Our solution has been successfully implemented in payment processors throughout the Latin American region, allowing our technology to reach emerging markets while improving payment technologies in the region.

* For more information please contact us through our contact form, we will be happy to help you with your project.


Become a Payment Gateway easily, save intermediation costs and improve your collection quickly
Offer new payment technologies to your merchants, customers or citizens.
Have your own Tokenization system and save costs for each token
Receive permanent updates on new services implemented
Reduced one-time cost per transaction
Upgrade your current E-commerce platform for a platform with the latest technology and at the forefront of the market.
We take care of the PCI DSS Certification process at the level that your company requires
Fully customized and private label or co-branded platform
Implementation in 60 to 120 days depending on the services required
One-time cost per license

Some processors, banks and partners using our technology